Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “security”
Safe Christmas
In February 2016, Bangladesh was robbed of US$101 million by cunning cyber criminals using fraudulent SWIFT transfer requests. The money was siphoned from the Bangladesh National Bank’s account at the US Federal Reserve to banks in Sri Lanka and the Philippines. Another US$850M was stopped from being transferred due to a happenstance. Check The Lazarus Heist for juicy details.
What made the heist possible? Timing. Careful, thought-out execution. Ruthlessness. The bank robbery took place during a weekend of Lunar New Year festivities in South Asia, so there wasn’t really anyone on call to check and stop the transfers.
Getting Started With Yubikeys
I bought a set of Yubikeys to figure out what the fuss was all about. Getting started was surprisingly painless and i now have a new authentication factor for Google, Github and Lastpass.