Oh Bugger
I’m just on the other side of COVID. It’s been tiring but easier than i had feared. After a few weeks of stress on both body and mind, i thought it was just my body telling me it’s time to wind down a bit when i was so tired last Saturday, but in hindsight, i should have understood it was the Corona virus bugging me.
Infection: most likely at the MacADUK conference in Brighton, UK, around Tuesday. Friday: AG test negative. Saturday: AG test negative. Tired, sneezed once or twice, and the tiniest tingling in my throat. Took a nap. No fever, no ache. Lots of partying and unhealthy life for nearly a whole week up until that moment, so i really thought it was that. Sunday: AG test positive. Monday: PCR test positive. Duh.
The start of the week was a wave of exhaustion, runny nose, tiredness, some sneezing and generally the brain being half a step behind the rest of me. But i had no loss of smell or taste, no aching head or muscles. My self-worth was bruised though. I should have read the signs.
Today was the first day i was among the uninfected masses. I still didn’t feel mentally ready, but there wasn’t much physically wrong with me. My drive and alertness is still in waves, but otherwise i’m fine. Tomorrow i’ll do a remote day. If concentrating a whole day gets too much, i’ll have a nap on an impromptu sick leave.
On some sunnier news, i might get a guest post on a tech company’s blog and regardless if they want me or not, i’ll still post it here. It’s, hopefully, the first post in a series on human IT security, which is what i talked about in the UK a week ago.