Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “gitlab”
Blogging on an iPad (the non-Apple way)
Thers’s this thing in the Apple admins community called The Apple Way. It’s a half-humourous, half-cynical and just half-given-up way of saying that on an Apple device, you can do things the way Apple intended, or you can do it the hard way (but regretting you did). I publish my blog the hard way.
My blog is built using a static website generator 1. Under the hood, it’s a bunch of markdown files, configuration files, styles and stuff, which the generator converts into a website.
Hello, World
Well would look at that – it’s a blog post!
I haven’t really toyed around with this thing for a while, but i somehow got the inspiration now, so why stop a good inspiration when you have it?
So what is this thing?